Friday, 21 November 2014

Inspirational Millinery- Pompoms Galore!

original image source via pnterset
Hi there everyone, it's been a while ! As always when I'm working on costumes for a play my blogging seems to suffer ( along with my social life and  everything else for that matter!)

I've been working on a great production of Oh What A Lovely War  put on by Everyman Theatre company to mark the centenary of the start of WW1. Surprisingly, one of my biggiest jobs on the show was  making pompoms to be worn as part of the actors Pierrot style clown costumes worn thourghout the performance .   Can you belive I ended up making over 100 pompoms? Here is a sneaky pic of our lovely cast in action in their costumes.

I thought at first that I would after completing my mammoth pompom making task I would  never want to see another pompom again, But I have actually grown to find a strange satisfaction in making them and  now keep finding myself wanting to make a pompom just for the sake of it. Which lead me to think maybe I could use them as a cute trim for millinery work and started looking at how other designers had used them.
Here are few of  my favourite ones:
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 I love the  shear volume of pompoms used in this piece by Soren Bach, the colours are so striking and vibrant. This piece is so much fun and I bet its quite cosy as well.

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Well what can I say, Dita always wears a hat so well, she could probably put anything on her head and it would luck great. What I particular love about this Sonia Rykiel piece is that the muted tomes and simplicity make the piece feel chic and elegant, whilst the scale of the pompom used gives it a playfull twist.

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This piece by Awon Gulding is another really playfull take. I love fun creative millinery that is  still wearable  It's such a simple idea but executed really well and I love the idea of having ice creamed themse accessories! 
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I think this has to be my favourite hat out of the m all, created by Maish Auror I feel that this is the type of hat I could wear very day  yet it's still really stricking and creative. the embroidery and coklour pallete tie in nicely with the one simple pompom and the piece it'self has a lovely folk art feel. Also  how can you not love the make up used worn by the model, it's so fun and creative but I doubt I could get away thith wearing it down the street!

Anyway I hope my little  collection of popoms hats has brighted up your day, I'm off to  make some more pompoms and then  find a use for them xxx

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