Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Inspiration Break- In flight

image source http://www.northyorkmoors.org.uk/learning/Kids-Zone/moorland/how-can-i-help-look-after-moorland

Good Morning Everyone, I've had a really busy couple of weeks and am taking this morning to do some quiet reflection on  everything that I've been doing recently and I found this lovely image of a barn owl and felt it really captured how I want my mood to be today, 

The colours and tones are so peaceful and muted but the owl looks focused and purposeful - that is what I am aiming for at the moment.
I'll be blogging about everything that I have been up to and what I have coming up really soon but  I think I need a few days to collect my thoughts and plan out my next steps - don't worry it's all exciting stuff !!

I also want to dedicate my little post today to my super and wonderfully supportive  Grandad- Papa - it's his 80th birthday today and he is probably my biggest  reader on this blog. He always lets me know what he thought of my latest post and also gives me a gentle nudge when I haven't posted for some time. He's a big owl fan too so I know he'll enjoy the picture I've shared today.

So Papa I just want to wish you a lovely birthday today, and I want you to know how much I appreciate all the love and support you and Nan give me in my creative endeavours and just in life generally too. Love you lots Squirrel xxx

So I better get back to my morning reflection and promise to catch up with a bit more of a Millinery / Sewing based post soon. Hope you all have a great day xxx

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